2022 Season Welcome Letter

Happy Spring!  On behalf of the Board of Directors, welcome back to our returning members and we extend a warm welcome to our new members.  Each year, we start this letter by stating it’s going to be an exciting year at Champlain, and this year is no different. We truly have a lot to look forward to and that’s thanks to you.

We appreciate those who were able to pay their dues by February 1st. These early commitments helped us to:

  • respond timely to those on our waiting list,
  • assisted us to gain a clearer financial picture earlier in the season (which helps with project planning), and
  • will reduce the stress in the Pro Shop, since Pro Shop staff typically receive an onslaught of memberships during opening weeks.

Additionally, at this time, the membership cap has been met, and we have a waiting list to join.

The benefits of the Construction Assessment will be visible this season.  Already, we have put a deposit on the new pump station, which is currently being built by DAF systems and scheduled to be installed in June.  This pump has a life span of 20 years and, as you may recall, our current system is nearly 30 years old and was on borrowed time.  This system is the heart of our course’s health, which is why it was our first priority once the assessment was approved.

The bunker renovation project is also scheduled to begin in June and is being completed by Lejeunesse Construction.  To ensure this project is completed efficiently with as little impact to play as possible, we will work closely with the contractor.  You will also notice that the pond between number 2 and 15 is much larger. Todd Derry spent the last several weeks enlarging the pond and using the soil from the excavation to add contours on the left side of the number 2 fairway.  As weather permits, we will final grade, seed, and plant trees in the upcoming weeks.  The main purpose of this project was to give us greater water retention for our irrigation system, but we will also benefit from number 2’s enhancement.

We are also pleased to share the following:

  • For their second season, Fiddlers on the Green will be running the clubhouse. We are happy to have them return, and please welcome Jennifer and her staff back.
  • The members’ deck is almost complete and ready for you to enjoy. This project would not have been possible without all of your support, as this project is being completed through donated time, materials, and fundraising.
  • Following tradition, the season will start with the Opening Scramble on May 7th, and the funds raised from this event will be used for continuing clubhouse improvements. Please see the signup sheet in the Pro Shop.

On June 12 at 4:00 pm, we will hold our Annual Meeting in the clubhouse.  This is a great opportunity to share your thoughts with the Board, get an overview of the club’s financials, and listen to the candidates that are running for the Board.  Several board members are up for reelection this year, and we will be posting these positions.  Members are encouraged to run for the open seats and interested parties can send bios to golf@champlaincountryclub.com.

Thank you for being part of the Champlain Country Club family.  We invite anyone to attend our Board meetings, which occur on the second Monday of each month at 6:00 pm in our board room. We also have several committees that you may be interested in joining. Please reach out to us any time with feedback, suggestions, or questions: golf@champlaincountryclub.com.

We wish everyone a great season!


Chris Caster

President, Champlain Country Club