Attn Members: Annual Meeting Details

All members are encouraged to attend the Annual Meeting being held on Sunday, June 12th in the evening. The time is TBD, but we will announce it soon. This is an opportunity to voice your concerns and make your suggestions, view the financials, meet the staff and Board, as well as the candidates running for the Board.  This year, there are three open Board seats. Anyone looking to join the board can submit a short bio by May 25th to

  • If you have not returned your proxy to the Pro Shop, you can vote in person at the meeting.
  • If you plan to attend, please let the Pro Shop know so we can prepare enough packets and advise the kitchen of a head count for the appetizers that will be provided.
  • If you cannot attend and would like a copy of the financials, please let the Pro Shop know and a packet will be prepared for you.