Men’s Member-Guest, the biggest tournament of the year, is fast approaching on July 28th-30th. While the majority of communication regarding the tournament is direct or via email, we wanted to share a few details in advance to allow you to plan accordingly. Friday night will kick off the event with live music and a chipping contest on the 9th to benefit the Junior Golf Program, music and good food follow throughout the weekend.
- Friday, 7/28: Breakfast on the green and BBQ lunch for players (extra tickets available for guests). Live music and heavy hors d’oeuvres on the deck (players only) with a Casino Night theme start at 5PM. Chipping Contest on the 9th at 6PM (open to the public) with half of the proceeds going to the winner, and the balance benefitting the Junior Golf Program ($5/ticket, $10/3 tickets).
- Saturday, 7/29: Breakfast on the green and BBQ lunch for players. Four-course plated dinner with choice of filet mignon, chicken, or shrimp served with a Great Gatsby theme at 5PM and DJ and dancing to follow. Open to the public, RSVP to 802-524-3804.
- Sunday, 7/30: Breakfast on the green and BBQ lunch for players. Farewell Fiesta Mexican-themed dinner from 3-8PM.